Kelvin Says?

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Yida Day!

Today, Huang YiDa had a campus concert in NYP.
PALs was kinda in charge of it.
Of course, I wanted to help out.

After carrying the necessary things from the PALs clubroom,
Everybody was given jobs to do.
Such as making sure the MAKE-UP ROOM was clean.

This is the door to YiDa's Make-Up room.
Ok. I was being stupid.

This is how it looks inside..
now for the other side of the room.

And the close up on the bath room.

That's edison, trying to see if any of his hair is out of place.
But... there's acctually a shower inside.
Wow! I didn't know that. *Sua Ku Me*

Then i looked around to make sure
there was
enough chairs,
enough bottles of water,
and last but not least,
the room was kinda presentable.

Then i took pictures of the venue of the concert.


After that, I took a pic of the backstage staircase that YiDa used to come in to the theatre.

We all went to usher the pple outside waiting.
Then at 6pm+ ... , the concert started.
Opening Act.
Courtesy Of Foreign Bodies.

Apparently, they danced VERY WELL!
and they appear to be lightning fast.
Then Yida came out.

The first song he sang was i think.
那女孩對我說 aka She Told Me.
Then the second song was,
專屬密碼 Exclusive Code.
Which is also the song, you are hearing from my website now.

Then he sang another song.
And it was the autograph session.
I got my album signed.

Ok. You can't really see it here.
Let me give you a close up.

Anyway, during the autograph session.
Melf suddenly got possessed by JAY CHOU. OMG.

hehe. Anyway, we all manage to take a photo with YiDa,
even though the pple who came for the concert was
NOT PERMITED to take photo with him.

And the PALs pple were also lining up to get,
Y.E.S. 9.33 FM's Pei Fen's signature..
I got it too...
Haiz .. Tired le..
It's 12.46am, 26/08/05 (Friday)
Anyway today is also WEI JIE's birthday.
Happy Birthday, WJ!


Blogger Sujith said...

HEY!!! nice pics!! u must have been starstruck eh? did u take those pics...thru handphone?
digicam? cos the iomage quality is good.
dammit. I'm like DEAD bored. And friggin mad. so write more songs!!! lol (i get better at being by day haha)

Seeya around in sch yeah!!

3:47 PM  
Blogger Kelvin Says? said...

Thanks alot. I took the pictures with my camera. hehe. Well. for the song writing. May take some time. Looking for a suitable tune for my new song. hehe. Sorrie.

8:52 PM  

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