Kelvin Says?

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Shitty Fish, I say.

2 things i want to say about them.

1) Enormous SHIT Factories.

Yes. I washed 15 tanks containing those pesky idiots,
on wednesday. Then when i returned back to the
Zebrafish lab on the following friday,
to wash the rest of the tanks,
each of the 15 washed tanks had a 'cloud' of
fish faeces that were twice their size.
Where the hell do they get so much shit from.

2) Irritants, they are.

They sure do know to irritate me.
I wanted to suck out the enormous 'cloud
of shit from the tank with the help of a suction
pipe, of course.
Which could have made the tank as clean as before.
But the fishes instantly dashed into their shit,
and wriggled about,
as though programmed to do so,
making the shit float about in the form of
a million tiny particles.
Miserable Freaks.

Visit to the Doc.

Accompanied mum two visit two docs.
One gave a checkup,
the other gave consultation on the methods,
to prevent mum from getting cancer again.
The cancer cells didn't spread.
Thank god.

I would to also wanna thank anyone who prayed for my mum.
Thanks a million.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Mum went to the doc's today.
Bad news it was.
The tumour i mentioned was 1.5cm in diameter.
And the doc mentioned that there's a 80% chance
that mum MUST undergo chemotherapy,
where she WILL lose her hair.
This is making my mum really gloomy.
Or can I say, me too.

Mum mentioned in the period between the operation,
and today, that she doesn't want to lose her hair.
She loves her hair.
Well, everyone loves their hair,
who wouldn't?

I'm feeling real down.
I love my mom.
She took care of me,
she gave me love,
she taught me how to care,
she teached me how to grow up,
she let me learn tons of things i didn't know.
She's the best mom I could ever have.

God, please make mum feel better,
I really don't wanna see her suffer anymore,
It breaks my heart.
It makes me mad at myself,
not being able to do anything to help her.
Please god,
take care of mum,
protect mum,
stop the pain she's suffering,
help her recover.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

The tumour is cancerous.
But it's a very early stage that my mum's experiencing,
She looks ill and of course, I'm worried about her.
She still needs to go back for radiotherapy sessions.
I just want my mum to regain her health.
All I ask for.
The operating doctor will only give
the details of my mum's condition this coming wednesday.
May all be good.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Just returned from the hospital.
My mum has just finished her operation at 6pm.
We accompanied her untill 8.30 when visiting time ends.

My dad had to fetch my sister at 3.30
where she finishes her final A'level paper.
She was finally told about mum's op on the car,
while I watched mum go into the operating theatre.
She cried buckets.
Dad also couldn't hold onto himself anymore,
when they reached the hospital.
He had tears in his eyes.
After mum came out of the op. theatre,
everyone was relieved that she looked fine.
Now, tests are being run on the tumour taken out of mum.

All I pray that is the tiny tumour is not cancerous,
or just a very early stage tumour.
May mum be ridden of cancer.
I sincerly pray.
3 days ago,
My dad told me that
our family will go somewhere special today,
I thought it was just a outing to somewhere interesting,
little did I know it was the hospital.
My mum and dad kept it from me that,
my mum is having an operation today,
I couldn't believe it.
My mum has a very tiny lump around her chest area.
I'm worried sick.
My sister still doesn't know it,
she's now in sch studying for her last A'level paper,
Chem Paper 1.
My parents were worried that she would lose concentration,
if she knew about it.
Possibilities are now running in my head.
What if the lump was something caused by breast cancer?
I'm going down.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Tired. Very Tired.

Went to Singapore hit Awards last friday.
Then on last saturday,
I went to Stefanie Sun's Autograph Session
for [A Perfect Day].
After the autograph session,
I went to the recording of SUPERFUNKIES,
where Stefanie was a guest star.

If you want pictures for SHA,
click here.

If it's picture of Stefanie Sun's [A perfect day] Autograph session,
click here.

Just had my first day of school,
and i'm already dead tired.
I miss my holidays.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Revelation of OCEAN

This guy.
Has not shown his face to any of fans
nor anybody of the media,
untill today.

He is said by the media lately
that he's actually Li Yi Cheng,
A former member as YIYO,
a 3 man band that failed to make it big.
Ocean is being guessed as the guy on the left.

What can I say?
The media hit bull's eye.

And yes.
I've just returned from his Big Reveal Showcase concert,
which was at the Padang.

Now. Let's take the picture below as (1),

then this as (2),
*and yes. you noticed that this girl was pointing at me.
To her: No, I was NOT taking ur picture.*

And finally this, (3),

Add this 3 pictures together,
and you will see the number of people
in front of me, in a queue,
lining up to get into the concert venue,
while there were more still lining up.
The no. of people who went for this concert,
More Than 800!!!

By the way did i mention
that Hui Min went as well?

And as a bonus.
I know I'm not amusing.
*Sia lah, look like I have stroke. hmmm.*

Speacial appearances by:
Joi Chua,
Who duet-ed with Ocean in the song, 小夫妻.
*Joi's CHIO man.*

And also,
Kelvin Tan Wei Lian,
Derrick Ho, Xin Huey,
the project superstar finalists that were signed up by play music.

Last but not least,
something that made me drop-jaw.

Malcom's camera looks like a lizard
beside this T-REX camera.

Special Thanks to:
Malcome Lim for lending me his awesome camera,
making the taking of the above pictures possible.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

So Jay-ed

Sometimes I really wonder if he practises hypnosis.
Cause his songs,
just causes you to be in a-You Love My Song-state.
After listening to his first single, 夜曲 [Song of the Night],
on 9.33 FM,
I was already having this -MAN! I need to buy his album- mindset.
Then on Nov 1, I was at Causeway point working,
I decided to check out the Music Junction there, for his album.
All sold out!
He didn't simply hypnotised me.
EVERYONE was under his spell!
My reaction was simply, drop-jaw.

Earlier Today,
I went to the Cd-rama to purchase his cd.
As I was about to step into there,
a guy already came out,
with a- from one side to another-wide grin,
carrying his album which includes
this nicely packaged poster of him.

As soon as I stepped out of the store,
another person went in,
purchasing the same thing.
Everyone caught the fever?